New Hobbies to Pick up with a Lot of Free Time
Don’t know what to do with all your extra time? Try these!
We all know that being stuck at home can be frustrating, but it does give you a lot of extra time to try new things. Why not make your quarantine productive and learn a new skill or find a new hobby.
I know this might seem like your grandma’s past-time, but trust me on this one. It can be fun and really rewarding. Go grab some thread and any clothing item, and boom, you have yourself a personalized, one of a kind piece of art. It is very satisfying to finish a project that you put a lot of thought and meaning into. Don’t knock it before you try it.
2. Pick up an instrument
This one is a bit limiting because you have to have the instrument to play it, but your dad might just have his guitar from when he was in college lying around the house somewhere. Maybe you still have the instrument you played in the middle school band; you could always pick it back up. There are tons of videos on Youtube to help you get started on your musical journey. It is very enriching for your mind to think in a new way.
3. Art
This one may be hard for our perfectionists out there, but you could start drawing or painting again. Even for our artistically challenged, you could do acrylic pouring or graffiti art with spray paint. There are lots of art project ideas that are easy and fun on Youtube. Always remember the point of this hobby is to have fun, it doesn’t matter what the end result is. It’s the journey, not the destination.
4. Sharks teeth/shell/rock collecting
Collecting anything is a fun hobby, but since we live on the coast, more specifically sharks teeth, shells, or rocks. If you travel on a boat around the marshes here, you could find little banks that are filled with shark teeth. They are hundreds of years old and you can find some pretty interesting ones. Also, if you can get to a beach, collecting different types of shells is fun. For rocks, you could just go on a walk around your neighborhood and see what treasures you find. The hunt is very fun and I highly recommend it if you are bored. Also, it gets you outside in the sunshine. 🙂
5. Jewelry making
Another fun hobby is jewelry making. You could make the string friendship bracelets that we all used to in middle school, or you could even break out the Rainbow Loom. If you don’t have those supplies, you could always make jewelry with beads. Another interesting way to make jewelry is to use acrylic and molds. Then once you make your new statement piece, don’t forget to wear and style it and photograph your new accessories.
Here is a quick list of other hobby suggestions:
6. Whittling
7. Gardening
8. Puzzles
9. Reading
10. Pottery
11. Bee Keeping
12. Journaling
13. Meditating
14. Magic Tricks
15. Biking/Skateboarding
16. DIY Projects
17. Cooking/Baking
18. Origami
19. Yoga
20. Exercising
21. Learning a Foreign Language
22. Dancing
23. Scrapbooking
24. Bird Watching
25. Hula Hooping