Club Spotlight: Good Vibes Club

Good Vibes : )

Founder and President of Good Vibes Club Elias McCall

I went to visit Good Vibes Club on Monday in Mr. Johnston’s room during lunch. I talked to Elias McCall about why he created the club. When I went they were making “Take a Compliment” posters for the hallways, which, in my opinion, is a very cool and easy way to brighten someone’s day.

Why did you create Good Vibes Club?

I created Good Vibes Club because I saw people were stressed and needed help, and I wanted to create a club to help spread love and positivity. I want to make people smile and I try to do that through positivity and kindness.

What is the goal of Good Vibes Club?

To spread positivity and try our best to make people happy and less stressed.

It is a group of people trying to do the best for the student body. – Piper Monk

What does a typical meeting look like?

I usually give a brief of what we are trying to do to better the school (a project) and then we break up into groups or individually to make posters or cards for people who need them. In the past we have made posters for basketball games, encouraging notes to students, compliment posters, etc. Any way that we can spread some positive energy.

What was your favorite project?

I loved the bathroom notes. They got great feedback and overall just made me feel very good. Like what we are doing matters to people. Kindness isn’t for acknowledgement or praise. Kindness is for the others not for yourself. So to know people liked what we were doing and it made their day even just a little bit better is all that matters.

What does good vibes mean in your opinion?

It means positive things meant to uplift. Making people even the tiniest bit happier if we are lucky. Being the positivity when there isn’t any around.

How do you personally spread good vibes?

I try to greet people by name in the halls. I will find something I like about their outfit and compliment it. I really like clothes so this is an easy way for me to spread some good energy. I am constantly striving to be the most positive and happy that I can. Positivity and happiness can be contagious.

I just want everyone to know they are loved and cherished. – Elias McCall

Getting to talk to Elias about his club was very inspiring. You can tell him and everyone else there really cares about doing what they can to make us all even a just a tiny bit happier. If you have the time I recommend everyone go and check it out. Monday during lunch in Mr. Johnston’s room.