Will 2020 be our last year?

The world is falling apart.

Ummmmm … this is going to be an interesting year.

We are not even one full month into 2020 and the world has begun to fall apart. There are so many huge events that have happened. 2020 is setting itself up to be one of the weirdest years yet.

Starting the list of strange events, there has been a threat of World War III. America and Iran are on a thin string between peace and war. Recently the US killed Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani and tensions have been tight since. This brings up the discussion, are we close to World War III?

Next on our list is Australia, it is on fire. The bush fire has been ravaging the country for weeks now. 28 people have died nationwide and in New South Wales over 3,000 homes have been destroyed. They usually get fires during this time of year, but not nearly this bad. The heat and drought are helping feed the fire. Sadly, there is no end in sight for the fires.

The next strange occurrence is that the English royal family is falling apart. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have said they are going to move to Canada. They are choosing to leave their royal duties and live financially independent. This has caused some stir around the world with lots of people guessing the cause of their hiatus. From the royal court to Canada, let’s see how they fare.

The plague is back. The coronavirus outbreak in China just might mark the start of a new “black plague.” Currently, there is no cure for the coronavirus, but your immune system can fight it off. 

Somebody might be watching you. There have been tons of accounts of drones flying over Colorado and Nebraska. People have been wary of drones and their surveillance purposes on their lives since the creation of the technology. The general public has been trying to find out who these drones belong to, so they contacted the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA).  The FAA has made a statement saying that they do not even know who the mysterious drones belong to. Who do these flying surveillance cameras belong to and what/who are they watching?

Is the apocalypse coming? I personally feel like more has happened in this one month of the new decade than the whole year of 2019. 2020 is starting to be a very special year for the record books. If we get through this new year there are going to be many interesting events coming up. Some honorary mentions of interesting things that are coming up this year are a total solar eclipse in December, the Tokyo Summer Olympics, and 2020 being a leap year. In conclusion, the world may end in 2020, but at least we are going out in style. This all depends on whether we make it through the year of course.