Who Will Win Big Brother 21??!
It’s anyone’s game. Except Holly’s
It’s that time of year again, when the hottest game show on television, Big Brother, is about to crown its twenty-first champion! For those of you who do not watch Big Brother, imagine the Orwellian love child of Survivor and Love Island, which results in a back-stabbing social experiment consisting of lies, manipulation, and betrayal. This juicy summer saga is simple in principle with sixteen strangers living in a house under constant surveillance for a hundred days over the summer. Each week the players must vote out one of their own until a single champion remains at the end of September. Below I describe the remaining player’s odds of winning and my opinions on each of them.
Jackson Michie

Oh Jackson, where do I even begin? It is increasingly hard to separate Jackson the player with Jackson the person as the weeks progress. He is playing a great physical and social game with seven competition victories and having complete mind control over Holly, Cliff, and Nicole. As a person, I disagree with some of the things he has done, like lying to the house about Tommy’s loyalties to save his girlfriend, Holly, from eviction. After Six Shooters imploded, he still managed to evict Jess, Christie, and Tommy, the three biggest threats to his ultimate victory. I have a feeling he will get rid of Cliff this week, leaving Nicole as his only obstacle from the BB21 crown. I leave his odds at 2-1 in the off chance that Nicole wins the final HOH.
Holly Allen

Holly has the lowest chance out of the remaining house guests to win. The only two things that compose her BB resume is being the first double HOH, and being Jackson’s girlfriend. The only scenario in which I foresee Holly winning is the jury being too bitter towards Michie to give him the half million dollar prize. I know Christie, Tommy, Analyse, Jack, and Jess left on negative terms with Michie, so it could happen. Holly’s odds to win are 10-1.
Cliff Hog

I think Cliff has played a much worse game than the rest of the house seems to think. Cliff is good at two things: dropping first in endurance comps and throwing Nicole under the bus to Jackson. I do commend him, however, on winning the battle back and becoming HOH after being evicted on week four. Some of his shticks annoy me, and I disliked how he betrayed Kat when they were on the block together by campaigning against her to Jackson. I really feel like he will not be able to last long in the final competitions and will likely be evicted by Jackson and Holly this week. Odds: 20-1
Nicole Anthony

You’ve heard of the Biggest Loser, now prepare for the biggest floater. Nicole is the true underdog of the season, but her social game was as existent as David’s stay in the house. However, the last stretch of the game from the double eviction to finale night is the most important part of the game, and Nicole is balling out. She won two HOHs and a veto, not to mention she still has Cliff by her side, but probably not for long though. If she can somehow best Holly and Jackson to win the final HOH, she is golden. I think her odds are 5-1, considering she is at a numbers disadvantage with a showmance left in the house.
Update: Cliff placed 4th, Nicole 3rd, Holly 2nd, and Jackson 1st.