Power Ranking the Presidents of the World

You can ask any random strangers or anime fans on the side of the road, what job holds the most power? 9 times out of 13 they will say it is the President of the United States. However, this is not true. In reality, all Presidents of the World, whether it be at a national level or even just in a high school, hold some form of power. In this article I aim to enlighten you, the reader, on 7 of the most noteworthy Presidents of all time.

7: Jackson Ray

Freshman Class President (2015-2016)

While most of you have no idea what or who I’m referring to, the members of the SEN19R class all remember this mistake. Known around the campus by a different name, Jackson Ray was the first Class President for the Class of ’19. During the trials and tribulations of our Freshman year, we all looked for guidance and leadership in the form of our first elected class president. Unfortunately, Mr. Ray was the only candidate. However, not all of the fault is Jackson’s. He was also just another timid freshman who was afraid of Mr. McCormick and enjoyed his daily doses of “Ready? Exercise!” Just to be clear, Jackson is included in this power ranking for the sole purpose of reminding people of how funny this was. Be sure to check out his feat. on Lil Cynth’s new song, QCumber.

6: Vladamir Putin

Russian President (2000-Present)

       This is probably a controversial choice for most of you to see, but trust me and my expert opinion when I tell you this: Big Vlad is one of the greats. Not only has he managed to remain in power for the past 18 years, but he has done so while being able to remain a man’s man. If you are unaware of what I am talking about, there is an undoctored image of the Russian President riding on the back of a Grizzly bear (see above). My only response to this bold act: Savage. Any man who can lead one of the largest nations on the planet and still find time to push the boundaries of human possibilities has my respect.


5: George Washington

1st President of the United States (1789-1797)

       This choice should come as no surprise. Nothing is more impressive than a man who led a country to victory over the greatest super power of the time, and then proceeded to build one of the strongest governments in world history. Not to mention, he was an honest man. As a young lad, Washington received a hatchet from his father (Great gift idea for this upcoming Christmas). Following his instincts, Washington decided to go out and chop down a cherry tree in his yard. This is a total power move. From the perspective of someone who has chopped down a tree by hand, I know that this is not an easy feat. Mad respect, George.

4: Chester Arthur

21st President of the United States (1881-1885)

       Chester Arthur is one of the lesser known former leaders of this great country. However, he is still great. While he may have been given the position after the assassination of James Garfield, no one was more deserving. Chester is best known for his passing of the Pendleton Act, reforming the selection process to award government jobs based on merit. This all may sound very boring to you. It is. Truthfully, I add Chester simply because he was one of the least known Presidents. Everyone deserves to be appreciated at some point. Also, Chester rocks some fire facial hair.

3: Shabih Jafri

Sophomore Class President (2016-2017), Student Body President (2018-2019)

       All of you better know who I am talking about. If you don’t, clearly you are not paying proper attention to the morning announcements. Shame. For those who do know who I am referring to I am betting you would agree with this selection. Shabih took our class from Freshman who barely knew what the themes were for spirit week to a top competitor who gave the seniors a run for their money the past two years. After taking a break during his Junior year to focus on school and his freestyle rap career, he returned to the political scene of Magnet with grandeur. He provided fresh ideas and bold tactics to win over the voters in each grade. He even went as far as to deliver his campaign speech in a skin tight Spider-Man suit. Another Presidential power move.

2: Ronald Reagan

40th President of the United States (1981-1989)

       From ushering the US to the end of the Cold War to being an integral part of the Rowdy Gentleman clothing line, Ronald Reagan is one of those guys who really did it all. Unfortunately, I was not graced with the opportunity to inhabit a world where this man held all the power, though I imagine it was the equivalent to having your friend’s really cool, really hip great-grandfather Chip being in charge of DJing a middle school sock hop. In this case however, Chip is actually Ronald Reagan, the DJ booth is the Oval Office, and the sock hop is filled with threats of nuclear war. Big Ron’s job was to keep the middle schooler’s vibing with classics such as “Whatcha Say” by Jason Derulo and “Every time We Touch” by Cascada. Needless to say, he succeeded, proving once again the power of level headedness and a fire playlist.

1: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović

4th President of Croatia (2015-Present)

       I didn’t discover this gem until this past summer. While Croatia was battling through the group stages of the 2018 World Cup, it was evident that the team’s biggest supporter was the nation’s President. Her enthusiasm and love for her country quickly brought her to the fore front of the World Cup action. She is the perfect combination of visual excellence and Democratic leadership. Even though Croatia was defeated in the World Cup Final, the look of pure joy and excitement on the players’ faces told everything you could ever need to know about her: She is adored by her countrymen. Truthfully, I do not know a lot about her politics or the political nature of Croatia, but I still would place her as my number 1 most days of the week.