Determining Which College is Right for You!


The time has come for you to decide where they will spend the next 4 years of their life. That can be a big decision for some, others not so much. Many things go into choosing what college is right for you.

First, visit the schools you were accepted to! Take time to make an appointment to visit campuses, dorm rooms, sports facilities, and more. Visiting will make the idea of college more real and force you to consider the pros and cons of each one. Walking around campus will give you a perspective of what it would be like to attend. Seeing the students, faculty, and how they operate in their everyday life may influence your decision.

Second, you want to consider what you are comfortable around! Account for how many people you want to be around each day for four years or how many students will be in your classes. There is no shame stepping out of your comfort zone. In fact, it is often encouraged. If you choose to do so, remember that it may require some adjustment and a little discomfort. Do not worry though, you will get through it!

Third, talk to people! This includes current students, faculty, or alum! By talking to students or alum you will be able to hear personal experiences and advice. You would know things made the college enjoyable and not enjoyable. Faculty will be able to tell you what clubs, sports, or activities would be right for you based on your interests. Talking to people may help you relate and determine whether a specific college is right for you.

Fourth, location! Location is sometimes an issue for some students when determining a college. Some want to stay close to home, others want to go as far away as possible. Again, consider what you are comfortable around. If you want to branch out and go to a school far from home, maybe see if there are places close to the campus that would provide comfort. If you stay close to home, make sure you go just far enough so your parents cannot make a weekend trip up to the campus every weekend! When determining a college and location becomes an issue, it most likely resides to chance. Remember, if you attend a college and do not love it, you can always transfer!

Fifth, if you are a sports fan, go to a game! Whether your interest dwells in soccer, football, lacrosse, baseball, or tennis, attend one before you decide! If sports are influencing where you want to go, see if you like the atmosphere when games are played.

Sixth, money! Colleges are insanely expensive nowadays. If money is standing in the way of where you want to go, take charge and talk to financial aid. See if they will give you money. Additionally, there are thousands of scholarships available. Fill out as many as you want/can because there is no chance you will win if you do not try.

Seventh, friends! Although it is highly recommended that you not choose a school based on where your friends go, make sure it is truly the right fit for you too. Do some research and the steps listed above. If you discover that it may not be compatible to you, do not worry! Cell phones are always handy and you will make new friends wherever you go!

Waiting on acceptances, financial aid offers, scholarship information, and more can be stressful. Take a breath and remember that things will fall into place in the end.