Academic Magnet High School - North Charleston, South Carolina.

A Tale of Two Trumps

December 13, 2016

The Voter Fraud Conspiracy

President-elect Donald Trump recently tweeted that the election results were a fraud. Even though he won, he stated that the only reason he lost the popular vote was because of voter fraud. However, there is no evidence for such a claim. Mike Pence was asked about the issue early this week in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, “Look,” Mr. Pence said, “I don’t know that that’s a false statement, George, and neither do you.” Paul Ryan also defended Trump’s remarks. Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, stated that it was possible that millions of fraudulent votes were cast in the 2016 election.

But where is the proof? There is not one shred of evidence to back this claim, and many Republicans are treating it as a legitimate claim. Talk of a fraudulent election leads to more voter restrictions, which have been proven to disenfranchise minorities. Many of the past voter restriction laws were aimed at making voting harder for citizens who happened to be members of groups that tended to support Democrats. Whether there is widespread voter fraud or not, people believe there is. This sentiment has no legitimate backing whatsoever.

I think it’s insane that Donald Trump makes these broad, untrue statements, and people still support him. It’s apparent that none of the “fraudulent election” talk is reasonable; however this false narrative is told across the country. I’m not sure what Trump wanted to gain from saying this. Is he just upset that he lost the popular vote? Or does he want to increase support for voter restriction laws?

Either way, his claim has no proof to back it up, and members of his party are still going along with it. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump repeatedly told lies on live television, using false statements at the debates. It seems as if this “lying to gain support” tactic will continue into his presidency. Nevertheless, the main thing that concerns me is that fact that none of Trump’s cabinet members (or even many Republicans in general) have denounced this deceit. Even though Trump may be the president in 7 weeks, use your 1st Amendment right to speak out against this false claim.

Overall, in my view, Donald Trump is completely unfit to be president. His recent appointments to his cabinet further emphasize this sentiment. Appointing Breitbart News (an alt-right news website) analyst Steve Bannon to his cabinet, Trump displays his bad intentioned and uniformed decision making. Breitbart has continually been displayed as a racist news site; often posting false narratives and using derogatory terms.

Trump also appointed a climate change skeptic as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, which may not protect the environment anymore.

Overall Trump’s presidential inadequacy is continuing to be revealed. From his tweets to his appointments, Trump may be the most dangerous president ever elected.

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Turning America Around

In the midst of all this fraudulent voter talk, I do know one thing: Donald Trump was elected president and there is no changing that.  It is incredible that people are still living in the past and protesting his election.  News flash: no one is going to listen to you and no one cares how you feel!  Whether or not there was voter fraud or not it doesn’t matter either way, Donald Trump won the electoral college and from my knowledge that is how you are elected president.  I do not know why people are freaking out about his voter fraud statements because it does not matter who won the popular vote at this point.  

Here is why I believe that Donald Trump will be able to turn our country around.

I am all for helping the impoverished people and those who are in need, but we need new ideas to turn our country around.  Our current debt has amassed to 20 trillion dollars. Yes trillion as in it has nine zeros.  It is a very slippery slope, but we need to help those who are in need and cannot pay their bills.  If we raise taxes on businesses to absurd amounts, then they are forced to lay off employees to pay these outrageous sums of money.  Contrary to popular belief these businesses do not have unlimited sums of money to pay for welfare of other people.  Raising taxes is not the answer.  If the taxes were lowered this would create more jobs because the businesses have a higher budget to pay salaries of workers.  In turn, with more workers, more products can be produced which increases profit.  

We need to provide jobs for the people and can do this by helping businesses raise their budgets.  The country will thrive if we teach people how to work.  We cannot continue to simply give handouts to people because this hurts the businesses and the hard workers.  Why should they have to give away a large percentage of what they have rightfully earned?  For example, let’s say there are ten students in a class at school.  When they take a test three of them study very hard, four of them do a little preparation, and the remaining three do not study at all.  The first three receive A’s on the test, the second group makes B’s, and the third group makes C’s.  Many politicians believe that those who studied harder and performed better should give some of their points to those who did not prepare and did not score well.  Does this seem fair? Would you want to give away your hard-earned work?  This example applies to people who want to receive welfare.  Some of these people are not working at all and are receiving.  

If the businesses are forced to give away large sums of the money to the government and to people who aren’t trying to help themselves then what is the point.

Think about it this way…

If a business makes $100 and they are taxed 35% then they only have sixty-five dollars left and they are forced to fire employees whom they cannot pay the salaries for.  In this scenario the government has $35 to spend.  If the taxes are cut, a company has more money to spend to make a higher profit.  So the business now makes $200 and can produce much more in the future.  If the government levies a lower tax of 25% then they gain $50 dollars with an added benefit of the company hiring more employees.  This same process applies to healthcare.  Businesses are forced to pay steep taxes and cannot afford to do so.  Although, the country has a wider access of healthcare after the big businesses pay, our country does not realize that this comes at a toll.  It’s called the Affordable Care Act.  The companies with more than fifty workers had to sign up for it to help provide healthcare to people who couldn’t afford it.  I agree, everyone should have healthcare, but charging people more puts them in more financial trouble.  Although they may be wealthy, they cannot pay for the care of five other families.  

We need to look at the big picture and look at the future of our country.  We cannot afford to keep on giving when there are people who are unwilling to work.  We can all agree that the government has not helped us very much over the past 50 years.  We have had lying politicians who act like they care about the wellbeing of our country, but in reality they are putting our country in reverse.  

The economic benefit of this country is to provide job opportunities for all of its citizens to increase the profitability of the government so they can spend money for the benefit of all of its citizens, not just to support a few causes or programs that benefit a small portion of the populations.  

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