Carolina Surf Film Festival

People lined up around the Brickhouse Plantation last weekend to view South Carolina’s best surfers in person. Including Cam Richards, Jenny Brown, and Glenn Tanner, the festival featured some of South Carolina’s most well known surfers. Cam Richards was by far the best surfer featured; the festival included his highlight reel, “Pardon Me”. This film showed off acrobatic displays on some of the world’s best waves (including our local spot, The Washout). Cam’s videos are listed below.
North Carolina Surfer, Brett Barley, was sadly not in attendance. However he was also featured in many of Cam Richards’ videos. Here are a few selections:
Photos from Justin Morris, arguably South Carolina’s best surf photographer, were featured as well. His best shots can be found here:
Overall, the festival was a success. It displayed South Carolina’s growing surf culture. Many of the featured films have gained global recognition, with thousands of views on YouTube. South Carolina contains some of the most talented and humble surfers on the East Coast; soon we may see one on the World Tour.