What is the Youth Magazine?
There is a new club coming to the flock at AMHS, and you should get involved. Evelyn Bi, a prestigious junior here at Magnet, has started working on her Senior Thesis. She is fascinated with the fashion and pop-culture industry, so this is where she found her inspiration. Evelyn proposed the idea for a magazine club that spotlights design and youth culture, and allows her fellow peers to express themselves openly without judgement. Evelyn has informed us that the club is “currently considering a campaign film, social media management, album production and publication, a theatric adaption of Disney’s Alice in Wonderland (in collaboration with Music Club members and SOA vocal majors), a lights production, fragrance production, merchandising, and fashion show management,” just to name a few. So, if any of these things interest you or if you want to help out your classmate with her thesis, contact Evelyn Bi to get some more information on how you can get immersed in Youth Magazine’s tremendous learning experiences.