If you know, you know.
For this issue of The Talon, I decided to rank a very controversial topic: the best Cool Math Games. Disclaimer: these games are NEVER played at school because we constantly obey Ms. Pinckney’s golden rule that “technology is a privilege and not a right.” After some research I also deduced that Cool Math Games has actually been blocked on the school wifi.
Honorable Mention:

Block the Pig– Always a good fallback game when you want to relive past memories. It sadly didn’t make the top ten because it cannot be played for long periods of time. Oh and try to beat my record of 15 I bet you can’t.

Top Ten:
Raft Wars– A childhood staple, this game brings up old memories from the depths of my brain. One of the most well known Cool Math games, Simon and his brother (son?)’s crusade to stop villany with a tennis ball gun and a raft leaves every player feeling fulfilled and nostalgic.

2048 – a classic game for those who those who think it is actual math. This game unites all raptors, as the brainiacs and slackers of the school can unify to defeat these tiny numbered blocks in a conquest to create the elusive 2048 square.

Bloxorz– The only reason this game is here is because most people enjoy it. However, I never found it fun considering all you do is move a box around in a certain pattern into a hole. Its kinda like a puzzle and I don’t like puzzles. But you do you.

World hardest game– Honestly I hate this game. It gets to the point where it messes with your mental stability. If anyone has actually completed any of these series, buy yourself a present and take a nap.

Poptropica– Honestly when did this get added to Cool Math Games. But, I can’t complain, this childhood game provides hours of fun. Those brave enough to take on the task of completing the game are in for a long and wild run. One of these brave souls which completed the crusade is Kate Kuisel. Her story can be heard from this link: https://amhsnewspaper.com/29118/opinions/i-completed-every-poptropica-island/

Diggy– I think I’ve beat this game at least five times. However, it never fails to amuse me. I mean what else could you ask for, you get to dig a hole in an environmentally friendly way. Oh yeah and if you dig straight down your’re a bot.

Fire Boy and Watergirl Series– A classic for any bored Magnet duo, this series provides endless levels of entertainment for friend and foe alike. The best co-op game on Cool Math, this trilogy presents a unique opportunity to woo the girl next to you in physics or just chill with your bro in focus. And if you play this game by yourself, that’s just sad.

The Duck Lifes– Is there really an explanation needed?

Papa’s Food games– While these games are very popular among the general Raptor populous, I find them rather overrated and stressful. The last thing you need during a stressful Magnet day is to run a restaurant filled with demanding customers and complex food combinations. This game’s saving grace is the top tier game design that blows almost all other Cool Math games out of the water.

The Runs– Oh the Runs, where do I start. Just pure gold. A great way to pass time when you have work to do but would rather not. And if you don’t play skater then you should probably get back to your work and stop reading this. Unfortunately I felt pressured into ranking the runs so here we go:
Run 3
Run 2
Run 1