How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Go to a Prom House


Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article in no way represent the overall feelings of the staff of The Talon.

What is a “Prom House”?

Ahh, the “prom house”. A time honored high school tradition. For those less in tune with current trends, let us enlighten you. A “Prom house” is a house which is rented for the Prom weekend, where all of your friends will be, in addition to a minimum of 2 CHAPERONES. It is a safe haven to return to after the prom festivities have come to an end, where you and your friends will make memories that will last a lifetime. 

“But What About My Parents?”

Some parents may be more than reluctant to allow their teens to attend a glorified co-ed slumber party teeming with temptations. “What’s to stop you from engaging in questionable activities?” your parents may ask. “How will we know you are safe?” they may inquire. Well, we have anticipated these questions and have done copious amounts of research in an attempt to soothe their nerves.

Q and A with the “Prom House” Experts

We’ve interviewed some magnet teachers/parents to answer any questions your parents might throw your way. . .

Will there be alcohol and alcohol poisoning?

No, underage drinking is ILLEGAL.

Will there be canoodling? 

Absolutely NOT! That is inappropriate and also boy and girls both have cooties (respectively)

I am concerned about the societal chaos caused by teen angst. . . 

Shut up, Mr. Wright

Who is going?

ALL of your friends, that’s who. If your parents won’t let you go, use the peer pressure argument. EVERYONE else is doing it, you should too.

Can I go? 

No. Just no, sorry. The chaperone quota has been reached.

Wouldn’t you rather spent the evening with Mrs. Lankford?

Well of course you would, but I don’t think Mrs. Lankford wants the entire student body in her home (We love you Mrs. Lankford, thanks for the invite)

Why do you need a house when you have a prom?

For large-scale games of hide and seek of course.

What do you do at this house that you can’t do at home?

Let me drive this point home: hide and seek.  Do you want 20 kids playing hide and seek in your home? yeah, didn’t think so.


Need more ideas? Check out this sample presentation proven to work on actual magnet parents!