Class of 2017 Thesis Stats


Academic Magnet High School is well known for its senior thesis, one of the requirements to graduate with an AMHS diploma. As the Class of 2016 wraps up their theses, the Class of 2017 begins their journey into the abyss of  thesis. Thesis is unique in how it gives you the ability to choose from whichever topic you wish, leading to topics ranging from “American Military History Through Knitting” to “Gardening and Honeybee Health”. Here are the stats for the Class of 2017 Thesis projects:

Unlike last year, Health-based theses are the most common choice, with 23% of all Juniors choosing one in this field. Next are Science theses, accounting for 15% of all projects, closely followed by Sports theses with 10%. Humanities, Art, and Education combine for 16% of topics, and miscellaneous topics, ranging from the colonization of Mars to parking lot traffic flow, make up 25% of topics to round out the group.

How does this compare to the Class of 2016?  Look here.

Class of 2016 Thesis Stats