Taking the spirit out of Spirit Week?

Emily Aysse

More stories from Emily Aysse


Do they look very happy?

Freshmen year…the seniors “sacrificed” Ben Cottingham. Sophomore year…they ran around the building like crazy people. Junior year…they tore down our tents. My senior year…what do we get to do? We definitely can’t blow whistles on Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday. What about Friday? Can whistles be blown on Friday? What about showing spirit in between classes? Where does administration draw the line? I am not blaming anyone or saying that we sometimes go overboard. What I am trying to convey is that we are being punished for what seniors have done in the past. I have to say, the class of 2016 is probably one of the more relaxed classes; we haven’t done anything too bad in the past 4 years that we’ve been here. And yet, we are still restricted to only do certain things and dress a certain way. In years past (aka the years that I have been here) some outfits that went with certain themes have been a little…risque. If I do say so myself, the outfits this year will not be that risque or weird. Then there was Tuesday with the balloons. If we had been warned before we had brought the balloons, there wouldn’t have been backlash. However, we had already spent the money on balloons (which all is said and done racks up a huge cost). I understand that some people are allergic to latex balloons, I get that. But, administration didn’t tell us no until the day we had brought them into school. Wednesday went without complaint, which is surprising considering the seniors were dressed the most scandalous that day. Then there was Thursday, Generation Day. Normally, senior citizens–the seniors–will fall down in the hallway in a massive pile right after lunch because we are old and weak. This year, when we tried to do that, we got in trouble. It has been okay in years past to be especially silly on Generation Day, but when we are trying to be silly, we are told “you can’t do that.”

I am just trying to find the logic behind why the administration wants to take so much of the negativity from the past senior classes and blame it on us. Spirit Week is a time when you are allowed to let loose. It has always been a senior privilege to blow whistles and be obnoxious. As Magnet students, we have sacrificed normal senior privileges like early outs, late-ins, leaving campus for lunch, or just plain being lazy for one of the best educations in the country. We do not get a lot of privileges at this school, and we know that…however, we want just two weeks out of the school year to be normal seniors. I am asking not only the students, but the administration as well, when will enough be enough? If any more rules are established for Spirit Week, will it really be worth it to spend money on it? Will we really want a Spirit Week? How far will administration go to control Spirit Week?