Are we too focused on being popular?


Group of Hands Holding Speech Bubble with Social Issue Concepts

If you ask any teenager if they want to be popular most of them wouldn’t even think there is another correct answer than yes. People tend to be so wrapped up in how “popular” they are and compare themselves to each other; now this is even easier because of all the social media that we have. Admit it! You do count your followers or friends on Facebook or Twitter, and worry about how many likes  your picture gets on Instagram. I’m not trying to criticize; I do it too! It’s normal that we want  other people to like us, but I feel like sometimes we lose ourselves in the process of gaining popularity, so much, in fact, that we forget our basic manners and we are not very kind to people, even to the point to ignore them if we are with other people.We seem to be so caught up in the things that aren’t so important and we are even convinced that  people will actually remember us  based upon how many parties we went to and what was our social ranking during high school.

However, if you ask your parents about the people that they remember from high school, they most likely won’t tell you about the most popular people in their grade.  They might not even remember who  the popular ones were ; instead they would talk about their close friends or about those who were kind to everybody.

This made me think that maybe we should pay more attention to the people that already know us rather than in increasing our popularity.

Remember that if you say hi when you see someone or even do something as simple as smiling it  can make their day better if they are feeling bad. These are the things that  make them remember you.