No Shave November – A Unique Way to Grow Cancer Awareness


Potter Seibels, Staff Writer

November. The start of Fall. The beginning of basketball. And the groomless month of prostate cancer awareness.

Every November, millions of men and women take the liberty of not shaving in order to evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness. The real meaning behind the semi-gross idea is to to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. You are also supposed to donate the money you typically spend on shaving and grooming, toward education about cancer prevention, and to aid those fighting the battle. Everyone should participate by growing a beard, cultivating a mustache, letting those legs go natural, skipping that waxing appointment, and saying no to the barber that asks to shave your neck.

Have a job or school with a strict hair policy? Talk to the jerks that enforce the rules and explain how you are supporting cancer. They should be understanding, and if not, they are horrible people. This may be the reason others call this month “No job-December”.

Unfortunately, it takes longer than a month to grow a good beard. Usually it takes months and months for any man to grow the most glorious, luscious beard that many women go crazy about. According to, a beard on average only grows half an inch per month. If you expect to grow a hip beard in just one month, you are wrong.

If you already have a beard, you must shave it. If you have spent months and maybe years perfecting your beard, you must say goodbye. If you want to be a part of No Shave November, your hard earned beard will be history. One of the No Shave November rules is that you start out with a clean face. If you don’t feel like saying goodbye to the beard you worked so hard to get you are not able to do No Shave November.

All in all, it’s a fun way to help others, and everyone should participate.